Anomalous Images of the Sun

We here at the Harbinger's Skywatch don't know what to make of these images of the Sun taken from SOHO/LASCO. We're hoping anyone out there who does will contact us so we can inform our readers just what the hell is going on. We've never seen anything like this.



A Stargate?

19990922_1742_c3.gif (48808 bytes)

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The three images above can no longer be found on either the NASA or Navy websites where we took them from. The only thing you can find now are images just before and just after. But not the time and date of the above. There's an MPEG movie file for this date. But, the frames for the time of 17:42...the time this photo was MISSING! Interesting, to say the least. What's going on guys? Why did you take them down? Is this something we weren't supposed to see?

Just in case they take down that MPEG too

Various NOAA charts for 9/22/99
(for those who need this kind of stuff)

19990922_goeshp09092B.gif (13774 bytes)      noaa_elec_3d.gif (15466 bytes)       noaa_kp_3d.gif (9329 bytes)

noaa_mag_3d.gif (11940 bytes)       noaa_satenv.gif (13765 bytes)      noaa_xrays.gif (13659 bytes)

Click each one to view


The following is taken from an article on the Enterprise Mission website:

What we have been hoping to accomplish here at Enterprise is to raise an awareness within the scientific community of the potential of Hyperdimensional physics. If we can get enough heavy hitters among the physics professionals to take an honest look at the Hyperdimensional model and it's potential to explain many of the intractable problems of conventional physics, we can perhaps avert the disaster alluded to in Carter's story

And we may have received some help recently from our old pal SOHO. On September 22nd, 1999, the space probes LASCO instrument recorded a stunning, indisputably "Hyperdimensional" eruption on the sun.

This incredible image, sent to us by two independent sources, Ken Robb in Hawaii and John from "Harbingers Skywatch", shows nothing less than a Hyperdimensional beam emanating from the sun. (Notice also the X-Ray and Magnetometer readings from Harbinger's Skywatch site on the charts from GEOS.) The helical, rotating beam is emerging from somewhere near the south polar region. "Shock diamonds" are clearly visible, probably as the energy passes through the superheated plasma in the corona. It is impossible to tell for certain just where the origin is because of the occulting disk of the LASCO camera.

As Hoagland outlined in his Hyperdimensional physics paper, as we get closer to a major shift in the harmonics of the solar system, we should begin to see inconsistencies in the so-called "solar constant." According to Hoagland, we should begin to see this "Hyperdimensional transfer mechanism" output as rotating vorticular emissions from both the planets and the sun. He even listed this as his proposed "second test" of Hyperdimensional physics.


Please read the full article here:

Richard Hoagland was the main guest on Art Bell's Coast to Coast radio program on 10/14/99. He discussed, among many things, various aspects of what this image is and what it might mean. You can also listen to the program on the internet if you have a RealPlayer.

Another researcher from the UK named Howard Middleton-Jones contacted me recently as well via Kent Steadman. He was also sent the image and has some extremely provocative insights with it's possible connection to what his research has shown to be the opening of the Hall of Records in Egypt. Yes. That's right...THE Hall of Records. Please visit his website to learn more about that and his other important research.


Found just yesterday on a NASA website!
Note: This is the original file name that NASA gave it...
Is that an admission of a "natural" anomaly?
weird_one_2.gif (97950 bytes)


Further Confirmation of the Sept. 22, 1999 SOHO Anomaly
Written By: Paranormal News Staff
Posted:6:00 PM, November 20, 1999

On September 22, 1999, the LASCO instrument aboard NASA's SOHO observatory recorded an unusual eruption in the Sun. Enterprise Mission, along with Richard Hoagland, wrote up a report on the unusual event with their own interpretation, stating that the eruption confirms their belief in hyperdimensional physics. They also went on to say that NASA attempted to cover the event up by purging the image from their archives. If you try to find the image in the SOHO archives, it is no longer available. However, Enterprise Mission received the image from two independent sources, and it is available below:

As stated by Enterprise Mission: "This incredible image, sent to us by two independent sources, Ken Robb in Hawaii and Johnfrom "Harbinger's Skywatch" shows nothing less than a Hyperdimensional beam emanating from the sun. The helical, rotating beam is emerging from somewhere near the south polar region. "Shock diamonds" are clearly visible, probably as the energy passes through the superheated plasma in the corona. It is impossible to tell for certain just where the origin is because of the occulting disk of the LASCO camera."

Since the image is no longer available, was NASA, in fact, trying to cover something up? Considering that NASA has a policy to discourage dissemination of information to the public that 'threatens national security' according to Section 102 of the Act of 29 July 1958, it is plausible that they removed it from their archives because they felt it was not in the nation's interest to release them. But is this true?

Enterprise Mission viewed this removal of the photos as an attempt to cover up the acceleration of physics and to cover up proof that Hoagland's ideas are valid.

Instead of merely agreeing with them, I decided to contact NASA to see if it were true that this image was purged and find out why it had been taken down from their archives.

Doug Biesecker from the Goddard Space Flight Center received my forwarded letter with questions about the photo. He informed me that:

"You have indeed uncovered a problem. When data are sent down from the spacecraft, they are reformatted to standard fits files. We have a record of a C3 image at 17:42 on 9/22/99 being reformatted here at GSFC. However, we don't keep data on-line longer than one week, except for what we put in the SOHO archive. We have another site where we keep all of the data on-line. However, they don't seem to have that image. We are trying to figure out why."

Seven days later he sent me an e-mail, stating that the lost image is now found. In Biesecker's words: "What is it? I have no idea. Although the word `slinky' comes to mind." Thus, here is further confirmation of the September 22, 1999 SOHO anomaly:

So, if there was a cover up involving this image, the cover up does not appear to have originated from inside GSFC. Doug stated that he did not know why the image was missing, that it was highly unusual, and since the letter I sent was forwarded from Dominic Zarro with the new subject line, "was this a comet?" to Doug who is their comet expert, they do not seem to know what the image is either.

This raises a question: is it possible that there are others inside of the government with access to all of its own computers including those available at NASA? A Unix superuser of sorts who can, and does, delete things that they find inappropriate? Dominic Zarro didn't know why image was deleted, and according to the returned letter, neither did Douglas Biesecker.

Questions thus linger with no answer.

The SOHO image demands an investigation from the scientific community. The image is not a forgery, it is not a comet, and it is definitely not something that I ever read about in a Physics book. What is the explanation? Theories need to proposed and questions need to be resolved. I do not have the background for such work, but I hope there are others out there who do.


And what's going on with this image?
Do solar flares behave like this?
arc1.jpg (12292 bytes)
I don't think so!


Here we go again! Another one caught by SOHO.

19991224_0242_c3.gif (96956 bytes)

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